Sabado, Hunyo 8, 2013

First Week

"God does not care about our mathematical difficulties - he integrates empirically" -- Albert Einstein

On the first day of school, I never thought that Ma’am Lalalyn N. Patayan will be our section adviser because first of all she is a Math Teacher and our class should be handled by a Science Teacher. But I’m glad to know that she is our adviser. Good thing is that it was not my first time to meet Ma’am Lala. So I was the one who approach Ma’am Lala and asked if she would meet us, get to know each other and give our class schedule. She oriented us about class rules and a lot more. On the second day, Ma’am Lalayn gave the course outline/content and requirements of our Math subject. Mathematics IV is all about Pre-Calculus/Calculus. I have to review, focus well on the lessons and must listen while Ma’am Lala is discussing. On the third day of this week, we elected our homeroom officers. Unfortunately, I was not elected but it’s okay, I know that God has more plans :> Ma’am Lala also said that we will start discussing our first lesson tomorrow. So I need to review and have an advance reading. On the fourth day, we started our lesson about Exponential Function. We have a brief review about our past lessons. On the fifth day, we discussed about Evaluating Exponential Function and have our first quiz.

All I can say is that I’m now starting to love Math and our first week in Math with Ma’am Lala is so great! 

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